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Reiki Healing

$65 per appointment From $65 per visit with Reiki Healing Session pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Reiki means universal life energy in Japanese. The art of Reiki is a system of gentle vibrational healing that was established by Dr. Usui from Japan in the late 19th century and is becoming increasingly popular in the western world. Reiki can greatly improve health and well-being by working on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels at the same time. This healing modality treats the whole person, revitalizing the body’s own healing potential by restoring greater balance and allowing the natural life force to flow more freely. Reiki is practiced with gentle hands-on, or by simply working the energy above the body, while lying on the massage table wearing loose, comfortable clothing. As the energy flows through the practitioner’s hands to the client, the client may perceive a pulsing or tingling sensation, a feeling of warmth and comfort, or a sense of releasing previously-blocked emotions. Reiki can be used to reduce physical and emotional pain, calm the mind, and experience deep relaxation on all levels as well as improve immune and nervous system functioning.

To see available appointments, choose a location

Mindful Movement & Wellness Appointments available starting Monday

Elena Gallegos Open Space Park

Alameda Rio Grande Open Space