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Ayurvedic Garshana

$20 per appointment From $30 per visit with Ayurvedic Garshana pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Ayurvedic Garshana

The traditional Ayurvedic practice of Garshana (dry-brushing), promotes lymphatic cleansing and is a powerful way to support the natural process of detoxification in the body. Garshana is traditionally done using raw silk gloves. This technique is recommended especially for people who have signs of ama, which may include lethargy, sluggishness, feelings of physical or mental dullness, constipation, and a taxed immune system. Dry brushing is also an excellent practice for the Kapha time of year, from late winter into Spring. Snow is melting, water has saturated the earth, and flower pollen is carried on the breeze—this is the time of year when Kapha can begin to accumulate in the lymph or the sinuses and create stagnation throughout the body. Garshana can be a stand-alone 15-minute treatment or added before Marma Therapy, Shirodhara, Abhyanga, or an Ayurvedic Facial. You will receive the raw silk Garshana gloves to take home after your treatment.


To see available appointments, choose a location

Mindful Movement & Wellness Appointments available starting Monday

Los Poblanos Fields Open Space

Rio Grande Nature Center